We recommend that you plan for the total cost of your mission trip to be between $4,000 and $5,000.
Base Team Cost:*
- $1500 BASE KenyaRelief Mission Team Cost
- FULL Team cost differs based on trip type, length, and extras that may be included.
- All Team Members who are Medical Doctors—physicians and Surgeons pay an additional $200 for Kenya Medical Licensing.
- The BASE KenyaRelief.org Team Cost includes a one-night stay at a hotel in Nairobi on the night of your arrival, all in-country ground transportation, all meals and lodging in Migori, and transport back to Nairobi after Clinic Days.
Beginning in 2025, Safari will be optional, and the cost will be based on the team leader’s choice.
- Each team member may choose to return to Nairobi after clinic days and fly home and there will be no additional cost. If you decide to join safari, the cost will depend on the lodge, other additional plans, and the number of days you choose to go on safari.
To reserve your spot on a MISSION TEAM, at least a $250.00 deposit is due within two weeks of your verbal commitment to join a team. This is a non-refundable deposit, and it will be applied to your total trip cost.
- If you are going on a safari, there may be an additional deposit to secure the lodge.
- $1,500-$2,500 Plane Ticket – prices vary depending on the time of the year you are traveling and how far in advance you purchase your ticket.
- $150-500 Immunizations – prices vary depending on what injections you need
- $30 for your online eTA
- $100-300 cash needed when you get to Kenya
- $40 tip for the Tour Company drivers to be taken up at the end of your trip by the Team Leader
- Approximately $20-$50 (broken into small bills) for tipping while staying in Nairobi and Safari
- Additional cash of your discretion for the purchase of gifts and souvenirs